Millenium : The IT Collection Brushes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]THE MILLENNIUM COLLECTION (aka… The IT Collection) This line offers special mid length – matte silver handles. Featuring the heads from some of our most popular sellers from other collections plus a few specialties. The printed brush descriptions are user friendly telling the consumer exactly what to do with it. (Example: Line IT, Blend IT), Smudge IT & Smoke IT). Ya Get IT?

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PAGE 12 & 13 THE MILLENNIUM COLLECTION Long Matte Silver Handles With Shiny Silver Imprint Of Brush Description. IT1 – 1 Line It IT2 – 2 Define It IT3 – 3 Frame It IT4 – 4 Soften It IT5 – 5 Tame It IT6 – 6 Kiss It IT7 – 7 Shape It IT7A – 7A Smudge It & Smoke It IT7/9 – 7/9 Flip It Duo IT8 – 8 Contour It IT9 – 9 Shade It & Fade It IT10 – 10 Hide It IT22 – 22 Cover It IT11 – 11 Groom It IT12 – 12 Blend It IT13 – 13 Set It IT14 – 14 Highlight It IT18 – 18 Move It & Smooth It IT24 – 24 Color It IT26 – 26 Shade It IT28 – 28 Face It IT36 – 36 Work It IT25 – 25 Accent It IT32 – 32 Enhance It IT52 – 52 Finish It Brushes listed below are also duplicated on the Specialty Brushes on:
